Reaper's Isle | Foliage

While working on Reaper's Isle, one of my main tasks has been foliage production. Because the game is open world and had to be created in a very short time span (around 9 months) I opted to use SpeedTree for a rapid workflow. I had worked with SpeedTree in a personal project previously and have done lots of research since to improve optimization and get a unique stylized look. I used Maya for more custom shapes such as the hostas, mushrooms, and stumps. The leaf textures were created from photo references with hand painting and adjustments on top.

In the process of creating the foliage, I looked through many photos to help create the different biomes of the island. For the ground plants, I was particularly drawn to images of shade gardens, which felt fitting given the eternal moonlit night where Reaper's isle takes place. These shade gardens also struck me because of their variety of textures, which I felt created a truly lush and dynamic feel that I intended to replicate.

Working on the foliage for Reaper's Isle has been a great experience that has made me want to delve much deeper into learning about foliage creation. I hope to build on my skills and utilize them in my future projects.